Ecommerce Store Checkout: Top Hacks for Higher Conversion

(June 2024)


In This Article


In the realm of ecommerce, the checkout process stands out as perhaps the most pivotal stage of your customer’s journey. It’s where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, as it’s the final hurdle for a shopper to clear before deciding to make a purchase.

Unfortunately, many stores grapple with alarmingly high shopping cart abandonment rates, averaging around 70%. In simpler terms, that means 7 out of 10 potential sales never make it across the finish line.

The checkout process can truly make or break your ecommerce business. Even the slightest friction encountered during checkout can result in significant revenue losses. By fine-tuning the payment flow and enhancing the overall user experience, you have the potential to witness an overnight doubling of your conversion rates.

This article delves into the top checkout optimization strategies for boosting conversion rates, drawing insights from both research findings and real-world examples. Implementing these tips and you’ll be better equipped to transform more browsers into satisfied paying customers.


1. Streamline the Checkout Flow
2. Offer Guest Checkout and Promote Free Shipping
3. Follow Up on Abandoned Carts
4. Incur Easy Multiple Payment Methods, Returns and Exchanges
5. Test, Personalize Checkout and Make Contactless
6. Extend Loyalty Discounts
7. Present Social Proofs
8. Create an FOMO
9. Highlight Security and Trust Features
10. Use Tools for Assistance

1. Streamline the Checkout Flow

To have higher conversion rates on your ecommerce store, adopting a convoluted checkout process often triggers shoppers to abandon their carts. When your customers encounter unnecessary form fields or intricate navigation, it can result in frustration. To enhance the checkout experience, simplify the process by eliminating surplus fields, consolidating forms, reducing clicks, and exploring various layout options.

Consider the following tips for optimizing checkout:

  • Request only essential user details such as email, shipping address, and payment information.
  • Experiment with a single-page checkout form instead of a multi-page format if it reduces the number of steps.
  • Incorporate progress bars and timers to keep customers informed about their progress during the checkout process.

2. Offer Guest Checkout and Promote Free Shipping


To achieve better conversion rates on your ecommerce store, offer guest checkout and free shipping. Ever been in a rush to buy something online and felt annoyed by the need to create yet another account? Offering guest checkout can be a lifesaver! Take a cue from big names like Macy’s and Threadless – they let you buy stuff without the hassle of signing up. It’s all about giving customers options. Did you know, making registration mandatory can push away up to 24% of potential buyers? Crazy, right?

Oh, and here’s a tip: want to boost your sales? Offer free shipping! It’s like magic for increasing conversion rates. Would you believe almost half of folks abandon their carts because they think shipping fees are too steep? To tackle this, try setting minimum order values for free shipping. And for smaller purchases, be upfront about delivery fees from the get-go. No one likes surprises at checkout!

See? Making shopping easier and more transparent can really make a difference!

3. Follow Up on Abandoned Carts

To attain improved conversion rates on your ecommerce store, have you thought about following up on abandoned carts? Did you know that about 35% of those abandoned carts are actually recoverable? It’s true!

Sending out reminder emails can make a big difference here. Just wait a little while after a cart has been left idle, then shoot out a personalized email. Also, think about sweetening the deal with a small discount or a coupon to give customers that extra nudge. It’s a simple trick that can really boost your conversion rates and bring in some extra revenue in no time at all!

4. Incur Easy Multiple Payment Methods, Returns and Exchanges

To enhance conversion rates on your ecommerce store, instead of just taking credit cards, why not open up to more payment options like PayPal, Amazon Pay, or hey, even cryptocurrency? Did you know that over half of shoppers will zip through checkout if they can use their favorite payment method? Plus, if they can’t pay the way they want, they might just abandon their cart. Keep them happy by offering the methods they love.

Before hitting that ‘buy’ button, more than half of shoppers check out your return policy. It’s all about peace of mind, right? So, be upfront and super generous about returns. You can offer hassle-free returns with pre-paid shipping labels. That way, returning stuff is a breeze. Oh, and do not forget exchanges! Make your exchange policy just as visible. That’ll encourage risk-free buying decisions and keep your customers coming back for more.

5. Test, Personalize Checkout and Make Contactless


To increase conversion rates on your ecommerce store, test your checkout, personalize and make it contactless. First off, remember that each store has its unique vibe and customers. So, it’s essential to keep testing and tweaking your checkout flow using handy tools like Optimizely and VWO. Mess around with things like layout, messages, and images to see what works best for your audience.

Plus, don’t forget about personalization – use data to tailor the payment process for logged-in users, giving them a checkout experience that feels just right for them.

In today’s world, where social distancing and health safety are top priorities, contactless checkout is the name of the game. Make sure your customers can pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay to minimize physical contact points.

And hey, if your average order value allows for it, consider adding a fast one-click ordering option for those returning customers. It’ll only take them seconds to breeze through the checkout process.

6. Extend Loyalty Discounts

To raise conversion rates on your ecommerce store, encourage your customers to take advantage of their loyalty rewards or exclusive discounts when they’re checking out. This is especially beneficial for those who are making repeat purchases or are part of your loyalty program.

By offering these perks, you can motivate customers to finalize their orders rather than leaving items in their cart. Additionally, think about offering more significant discounts to your most loyal customers as a way to entice them to explore higher tiers of your offerings.

7. Present Social Proofs

To maximize conversion rates on your ecommerce store, toss in some product reviews and ratings from other customers can really amp up your conversion rates.

Yep, it’s true! When you throw in those product ratings and genuine reviews from your customers, you can give your conversions a serious boost. It’s like telling your shoppers, “Hey, you’re making the right call – check out what others have to say!”

8. Create an FOMO

To optimize conversion rates on your ecommerce store, leveraging consumer emotions, particularly fear, is a powerful tactic in driving ecommerce conversions. Creating FOMO (fear of missing out) prompts shoppers to make purchases promptly, especially when products are scarce or time-limited deals are offered.

Capitalize on visitors’ initial interest, even casual browsers can be motivated to become buyers. Employing tactics such as showcasing low stock levels and running time-sensitive promotions like flash sales can significantly boost shopper motivation and conversion rates.

9. Highlight Security and Trust Features

To amplify conversion rates on your ecommerce store, highlight security and trust features. Given how often you hear about data breaches in the news, it’s no surprise that your customers are wary about sharing their card details online unless they feel confident about security measures.

Make sure to prominently showcase trust badges and seals all the way through the checkout process. Ensure that SSL encryption is in place and that user data is securely stored in line with PCI compliance standards. It might also be worth considering tokenization as an additional layer of payment security.

10. Use Tools for Assistance

To boost conversion rates on your ecommerce store, use these tools for assistance. Several tools stand out for enhancing ecommerce conversion rates including lucky Orange’s toolkit offers visitor behavior analysis and Dynamic Heatmaps. There’s HotJar which provides insights via heat mapping tools and features.

Quantcast measure offers tag-based analytics with advanced demographic data and Google Analytics remains a staple, providing insights into visitor behavior, traffic sources, conversion rates, and more.


The checkout process is critical in ecommerce, yet many stores face high cart abandonment rates, losing potential sales. To optimize conversion rates, streamline the checkout flow, offer guest checkout, promote free shipping and follow up on abandoned carts.

Providing multiple payment methods, transparent return policies, and contactless options enhances customer satisfaction and trust. Testing, personalizing, and ensuring security features are vital for a smooth checkout experience.

Loyalty discounts, social proofs, and creating FOMO can further incentivize purchases. Lastly, utilizing tools helps analyze user behavior and optimize conversion strategies.

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