Online Store on Pinterest: How to Get More Followers

(July 2024)


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Pinterest stands tall among social media platforms, boasting an impressive user base of over 400 million monthly active users yearly. Functioning as a visual discovery engine, Pinterest allows you to discover and collect ideas by “pinning” them to boards. For ecommerce ventures and online stores, Pinterest emerges as a prime avenue to drive traffic, bolster brand visibility, and amplify sales.

However, merely establishing a presence on Pinterest won’t suffice. What’s imperative is a robust strategy to expand your follower base, amplify pin visibility, and transform casual browsers into paying customers. This article serves as a comprehensive, step-by-step manual elucidating how to garner more Pinterest followers for your online store in 2023 and beyond.


1. Optimize Your Pinterest Profile
2. Integrate Profile Scannables
3. Leverage Pinterest Analytics
4. Drive Website Traffic with Quality Pins
5. Connect Website Integration
6. Strategically Grow Your Audience
7. Advertise with Promoted Pins

1. Optimize Your Pinterest Profile

To increase your Pinterest followers, optimize your profile. Your profile is like your digital business card, so make sure it’s saying all the right things about your brand.

First off, choose a profile picture that grabs attention and speaks volumes about your brand. Whether it’s your logo or something that complements your brand vibe, make it pop!

Next up, your bio. This is your chance to tell the world what you’re all about. Sprinkle in those keywords that best describe your products or services and let people know who your ideal audience is.

Don’t forget to add links! Make it easy for people to find their way to your website and other social media hangouts.

And last but not least, organize your boards like a pro. Think of them as little collections that showcase different aspects of your brand. If you’re selling clothes, for instance, you might have boards for tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes, and accessories.

By getting these key elements in order, you’re making it super simple for folks to understand what you’re offering. Plus, it boosts your chances of showing up in searches when people are looking for what you’ve got.

2. Integrate Profile Scannables

To add more followers to your Pinterest account, utilizing snapcodes, pincodes, or QR codes that seamlessly link to your Pinterest profile, you can bridge the gap between your online and offline presence effectively.

Consider incorporating these scannable codes on various platforms such as business cards, packaging, in-store displays, or any other branded materials. When a user scans one of these codes, it will promptly direct them to your Pinterest profile within the Pinterest app itself.

This tactile interaction provides potential followers with a glimpse of what your brand offers, potentially prompting them to hit the follow button right away. The smooth transition from physical to digital via the scan eliminates any friction, making it easy for your followers to engage with your brand.

3. Leverage Pinterest Analytics

To gain more followers, dive into Pinterest analytics. It’s like peeking into a treasure trove of insights about your audience and how they engage with your stuff.

Take a peek at your top boards, pins, who’s checking you out, and what categories they’re interested in. Then, tweak your game plan to match what your audience loves, and watch that engagement soar!

Oh, and here’s the kicker: You can only get into Pinterest analytics with a business account. So, if you’re still using a personal profile, it’s time to switch. Business accounts come with perks like ads, better visibility, and a bunch of other cool features.

4. Drive Website Traffic with Quality Pins

To boost your followers, enhance website traffic with quality pins. Now, why do people follow brands on Pinterest? Simple: they want value from the content they see. So, your job is to create pins that really catch their eye and provide something useful or interesting.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind when choosing content for your pins:

  • Stick to a consistent posting schedule Aim to pin multiple times every week
  • Show off your products in real-life situations with high-quality lifestyle images
  • Share handy tutorials such as style guides or product hacks

Let people know about your sales, special deals, and any other incentives on your website.

Don’t forget those Calls-To-Action (CTAs) to get people clicking. Something like “Shop this look” works wonders.

The better your pins are, the more people will engage with them. And that means more clicks to your website and more followers over time. Easy, right?

5. Connect Website Integration

To multiply your followers, provide a website integration. When you make your Pinterest presence work seamlessly with your website, it creates this smooth, all-around experience for your visitors. Fortunately, Pinterest has these cool website integrations that make it happen.

First up, you’ve got the Pin It Button. It lets your followers or non-followers pin images from your website straight to their Pinterest boards, which basically spreads the word about your stuff.

Then, there’s the Save Button. This little guy allows your visitors to save product pins straight to Pinterest from your online store pages. It’s like giving them a shortcut to keep track of things they like.

And last but not least, there’s the Pixel. This handy tool helps you keep track of where your website traffic is coming from and helps you retarget those who’ve shown interest.

By setting up these solutions, you’re giving your site visitors more chances to interact with your brand on Pinterest. And the cool part? It usually leads to more people knowing about your brand, more followers, and potentially more sales.

6. Strategically Grow Your Audience

To expand your Pinterest followers, start by leaving comments on pins and profiles that are related to your niche. Make sure your comments are meaningful and add something valuable to the conversation.

It’s also a good idea to find your competitors, influencers, and relevant brands on Pinterest. Follow them and engage with the content their followers are sharing. Search for specific terms related to your niche and follow users who are pinning or saving content that aligns with what you offer. Joining group boards that are relevant to your industry or target audience can also help you reach more people.

Getting in touch with nano or micro-influencers in your specific field can really boost your visibility and follower count on Pinterest. Believe it or not, even influencers with just a small following can make a big impact.

Consider offering them complimentary products in exchange for creating content like images, tutorials, or reviews featuring your items on their own Pinterest profiles. It’s crucial to ensure that their style and audience match yours when choosing potential collaborators.

When executed carefully, this kind of authentic influencer marketing exposes your products to thousands of targeted users who are already interested in what you offer.

Being part of both private and group boards can expand your reach, even if these boards are exclusive. All the pins you add will still show up in the feeds of everyone who follows those boards.

Group boards are also great for tapping into communities that share interests related to your products. By sharing valuable content through your own pins, you can gain visibility among many more enthusiastic followers.

Remember, the key here is to build genuine connections through meaningful engagement. This will help establish trust in your expertise and credibility.

7. Advertise with Promoted Pins

To surge our followers, advertise with promoted pins. Consider using Promoted Pins! These little gems look just like regular Pins but give you total control over who sees them and where they show up.

You can target your audience based on location, interests, behaviors, and more. Plus, Promoted Pins get a little extra love in people’s feeds and search results.

Start off with a modest daily budget, keep an eye on how your ads are performing, and tweak things as needed. If you’re seeing good results in terms of site visits, new followers, or conversions, consider putting more effort into those winning strategies.


To enhance your online store’s visibility on Pinterest and attract more followers, optimize your Pinterest profile to make it compelling and reflective of your brand identity. Utilize scannable codes like snapcodes, pincodes, or QR codes to seamlessly connect your offline and online presence.

Leverage Pinterest analytics to gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences, engagement patterns, and interests. Create high-quality pins that provide value to your audience and include clear calls-to-action to encourage engagement.

Integrate Pinterest features into your website to facilitate interaction and engagement. Expand your audience by actively engaging with users within your niche, following relevant accounts, and participating in group boards. Collaborate with influencers and nano or micro-influencers in your industry to reach a wider audience and increase your visibility on Pinterest. Consider using promoted pins to amplify the visibility of your content and drive traffic to your online store.

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