How to Make Money on Amazon: So Many Ways, You May Be Surprised!

(June 2024)

How to Make Money on Amazon - So Many Ways, You May Be Surprised

In This Article

Amazon has over 140 million prime customers, and that is a lot of people buying and selling things off Amazon. Statistically, an average seller earns between $800 to $25,000 per month, while top sellers make more than $50,000 per month. 

For a beginner, it might take longer to get to those numbers, but with consistent effort channeled toward the proper process, it won’t take too long to start reaping the rewards of your labor.

To make money on Amazon:

  1. Sell Products With Amazon FBA.
  2. Sell Products With Amazon FBM.
  3. Source and Sell Products.
  4. Publish Your Books on Amazon.
  5. Sell Self-Made Products.
  6. Sell Professional Services.
  7. Work as an Amazon Rep.
  8. Become an Affiliate Marketer Through Amazon Associates.
  9. Deliver Goods with Amazon Flex.
  10. Become an Influencer.

Let’s dive in!

1. Sell Products With Amazon FBA

To make money on Amazon, sell products with Amazon FBA. Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon FBA enables sellers to leverage the distribution network.

With Amazon FBA, you only need to launch and get your product listed on the platform; then Amazon takes care of the packing, shipping, and storage for a fixed 15%. You can also get your product branded for more sales and higher profit.

To sell on Amazon FBA:

  • Set up your Amazon seller account
  • Find products to sell on Amazon
  • Create your Brand Identity
  • Get a manufacturer to make your product
  • Ship your products to the Amazon warehouse either through air shipping or sea shipping
  • Create a listing for your Product on Amazon
  • Launch Your Product on Amazon

2. Sell Products with Amazon FBM

Amazon’s Fulfilment by Merchants allows you to launch and list your product on Amazon. However, the delivery and shipment of the products are on you. The only fee you get to pay is the selling plan you use to sell on Amazon. All the percentage goes to you.

The primary difference between Amazon FBA and FBM is that, with FBA, Amazon handles the storage, packing, shipping, etc., to customers around the globe. In contrast, with FBM, the merchants or sellers takes responsibility for the storage, shipping, etc., to customers.

To sell on Amazon FBM, you have to:

  • Create an Amazon seller account
  • List your product and create product pages
  • Manage your storage, warehouse, or fulfillment center
  • Set up your shipping templates to match your logistics
  • Coordinate picking, packing, and shipping for customers’ orders
  • Handle customer service and returns
  • Consider FBM cost and fee variations

3. Source and Sell Products

To make money on Amazon, source and sell products. Practically, buy products from local retailers and sell them on Amazon for a predetermined profit. With good advertising skills, you can get inventories outside and pay the shipping cost if necessary.

However, get products that are within your reach to avoid unnecessary expenses. Then list the items on Amazon at a reasonable price.

4. Publish Your Books on Amazon

Are you a great writer? There’s a slot for you to make money on Amazon. Publish your books on Amazon. Amazon allows you to set your price for your books and give a massive return of up to 70% of royalties.

With Amazon’s KDP, you can publish and store your book on Amazon for 48hrs without the need for a traditional publisher and marketer.

There is an option to restore the book on Amazon after 48hrs. You can also create audio copies of your book and sell them on Amazon. To money as a writer on Amazon, however, write and publish as much as you can.

5. Sell Self-Made Products

Amazon advertises and promotes self-made products, and the price is simple; there are no listing fees or hidden charges, only the 15% referral fee on each sale.

The platform has a space and review process for only artisans and ensures that the products are self-made. If you are skilled in making home products and art, join and start selling your products on Amazon.

6. Sell Professional Services

With Amazon services, you can sell professional services like freelancing, inspection, business, education, pets, home maintenance, health, beauty, etc.

There is no extra payment for the services, and you only need to pay a certain percentage of the return to Amazon for a completed job offered, and the rate is based on the type of service provided.

7. Work as an Amazon Rep

Most of Amazon’s employees work remotely, and the customer service team supports up to 16 languages over more than 100 locations around the globe.

You can become a virtual customer service representative and offer your services from the comfort of your home. Check the Customer Service Associate Jobs to see if there’s a full-time or part-time opening for which you can apply.

8. Become an Affiliate Marketer Through Amazon Associates

Join the Amazon Associates program to earn up to 10% of the advertising fee from purchases by embedding the product link in your website or blog.

The more clicks and orders you get on the link, the higher the return. You can also generate traffic by linking a high-demand product to your website.

9. Deliver Goods with Amazon Flex

Amazon runs its delivery service, so If you have a car and you’re looking for a part-time driving job, you can become one of the drivers through Amazon Flex.

Most drivers with Amazon Flex earn between $15 to $30 per hour, and you can track your earnings through the Amazon Flex mobile app. The best part is that you can create your schedule and take on the job you want, which is convenient.

10. Become an Influencer

Amazon’s Influencer program helps influencers to leverage their social media advantage by promoting products across different social media platforms.

As an approved influencer, Amazon gives you a URL on your Amazon page, and the page places ads on products to recommend to your followers. You earn commissions from the product when followers click the affiliate link or purchase the product.


Making money on Amazon depends on the numbers you can pull from the goods or services you offer.

To make money on Amazon, sell products with Amazon FBA, sell products with Amazon FBM, source and sell for products, publish your books and sell on Amazon, and sell self-made products.

Also, providing professional services, work as an Amazon rep, become an affiliate marketer through Amazon associates, deliver goods with Amazon flex, and become an influencer.

Although it takes a lot of work to make money on Amazon, with consistency, you’re sure to get your desired results in no time.

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