How to Create a Landing Page in Wix

(July 2024)

How to Create a Landing Page in Wix

In This Article

Ready to dive into the world of crafting captivating landing pages?

Crafting the perfect landing page can feel like a daunting task, right? But don’t sweat it! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total newbie, this article has got your back every step of the way. 

You’ve got a killer product, service, or message that you’re just itching to share with the world, right? Well, a stellar landing page is your golden ticket to make that happen. 

Think of your landing page as your digital storefront, beckoning visitors with its irresistible charm and compelling content.

To create a landing page on Wix:

  1. Understand What the Wix landing page is all about
  2. Pick a template for your landing page
  3. Name your landing page
  4. Infuse it with your one-of-a-kind content
  5. Feature eye-catching visuals
  6. Select an appropriate domain name
  7. Verify that all your links and CTAs function correctly
  8. Cross-check your meta description and SEO title
  9. Hit that publish button


Understand What Wix landing page is all about

To create a landing page on Wix, familiarize yourself with the platform’s nitty gritty. 

For starters, Wix offers a free landing page builder that’s designed to skyrocket your conversions. Yep, you heard that right, free!

With Wix, you can effortlessly build, customize, and launch high-performing landing pages in mere minutes, with no coding or design skills needed. 

You can choose from a plethora of templates or get creative and start from scratch with their intuitive editor and AI Text Creator. 

But wait, there’s more! Wix makes it easy for you to connect all your favorite marketing tools, from email marketing to CRM, right into your landing page. This is convenience…yes, it is. 

Also, you can gain traffic with the Wix landing page. Wix’s advanced analytics and SEO tools are your secret weapons to gaining valuable insights and making data-driven decisions that maximize your conversions, site visits, sales, and signups.

For instance, you can leverage features like drag-and-drop editor for unparalleled design flexibility and AI-powered automation to boost your productivity, Wix has got you covered from every angle. 

More so, you can connect Wix Analytics to top marketing tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and more to run A/B tests and gain even deeper insights. 

So, ready to create your landing page and take it to the next level? 

Mind you, this is just an overview of Wix landing page offerings. You can read up more here

Pick a template for your landing page

To craft a productive landing page on Wix, pick a template that resonates with your brand and start building. 

Think of this step as the fun part, where you get to browse through a treasure trove of beautifully designed templates, each one bursting with potential.

Be aware that Wix offers a smorgasbord of template categories tailored to various needs and styles. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a creative soul, or somewhere in between, there’s a template that’s got your name written all over it. Yes, that’s true! 

You can find different kinds of templates from sleek business layouts to vibrant creative designs, the options are endless.

Now, imagine stumbling upon a template that instantly clicks with your vision. That moment when you know you’ve found “the one”—the “perfect one” for you. The feeling is great.

But here’s the best part: these templates are not set in stone. You have the creative freedom to customize and tweak them to match your brand’s personality perfectly. 

So go ahead, explore, and let your imagination run wild. Choose that template that resonates with you, and embark on this exciting journey of crafting your dream landing page.

Name your landing page

To build a traffic-generating, highly-converting landing page, give it an appropriate name. 

Mind you, naming your landing page is like giving your creation its very own identity, a name that encapsulates its essence and allure. 

A name might seem like a simple task, but it’s an opportunity to infuse your landing page with personality and intrigue. 

Think about what you want your audience to feel or what action you want them to take when they see your landing page’s name. 

Do you want it to evoke curiosity, excitement, or perhaps a sense of urgency? Maybe you’re launching a new product, promoting an event, or offering a special deal. Whatever it is, your landing page’s name should resonate with your target audience and align with your overall branding. Very crucial!

This is why you must take a moment to brainstorm some catchy and relevant names. Write down your ideas, play around with words, and when you find that perfect name that captures the essence of your landing page, go ahead and make it official. 

Besides, you can try out name generators such as Google Name Generator, or GoDaddy to get some quick ideas you can work with. 

Infuse it with your one-of-a-kind content

To craft an ideal landing page, infuse it with your one-of-a-kind content. 

This is where you get to showcase your brand’s voice, personality, and offerings to the world. 

First off, think about what sets your brand apart. Are you offering a product, service, or message that’s unlike anything else out there? Point out those special features, benefits, or stories that make your brand stand out in the crowd.

Also, consider your audience. What are their pain points, desires, or questions? Provide answers to these questions and address your audience directly in your content so you can create a connection and resonate with your visitors on a deeper level.

Don’t forget that consistency is key! Make sure your content aligns with your branding, from the tone and style to the visuals and messaging.

One last thing: Leverage Wix’s intuitive editor. With the editor, you’ll have all the tools you need to bring your one-of-a-kind content to life!

Feature eye-catching visuals

To create a landing page on Wix, feature engaging visuals, grab attention to capture your audience’s interest, and convey your message in an instant while leaving a lasting impression.

Choose high-quality images or graphics that align with your brand and complement your content. Whether it’s product shots, lifestyle images, or custom illustrations, visuals that resonate with your audience can speak volumes.

Next, consider the layout and design. Use Wix’s drag-and-drop editor to arrange your visuals in a way that guides visitors through your landing page effortlessly. 

Mind you: Balance is key – aim for a harmonious blend of text and visuals that enhance readability and engagement.

Don’t be like most amateurs who pay less attention to such issues. 

Also, don’t forget about videos! A captivating video can breathe life into your landing page, offering a dynamic and interactive experience for your visitors.

So, unleash your creativity, experiment with different visual elements, and let your landing page shine with visuals that not only look stunning but also tell your brand’s story loud and clear! 

Select an appropriate domain name

To earn cool cash on LinkedIn, choose an appropriate domain name

Think of your domain name as the digital address where people can find you online. 

When it comes to choosing an appropriate domain name, you’ve got to select the name that rhymes with your brand’s online home. 

Your domain name should be memorable, relevant, and reflective of your brand’s identity. 

Whether it’s your business name, a catchy phrase, or a keyword related to your offerings, your domain name should resonate with your audience and be easy to spell and remember.

Here’s another interesting part…

With Wix, you have the flexibility to either connect your existing domain or purchase a new one directly through their platform. 

Another thing is that Wix offers a variety of domain extensions to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your brand.

So, take some time to brainstorm and pick a domain name that aligns with your brand’s personality and makes a lasting impression. 

Verify that all your links and CTAs function correctly

To build a traffic-generating, highly-converting landing page, verify that all your links and CTAs function correctly. That way, you avoid having broken links or non-functional CTAs that turn away potential customers faster than you can say “Oops!”

So, before you hit that publish button, take a moment to check every link and CTA on your landing page meticulously. Click on them, double-check where they lead, and ensure they open in a new window if needed. 

If you pay attention to detail, you can make a world of difference in providing a smooth and frustration-free experience for your visitors.

After all, Wix makes this process a breeze with its user-friendly editor, allowing you to easily edit, update, or fix any links or CTAs with just a few clicks. 

So, do a thorough check, and give your audience a seamless navigation experience they’ll appreciate!

Cross-check your meta description and SEO title

To scrape some reasonable cash off of LinkedIn, cross-check your meta description and SEO title. 

Oh yeah, it might sound a bit technical, but in reality, it’s a game-changer for boosting your online visibility!

Know that your meta description and SEO title are like your landing page’s elevator pitch to search engines and potential visitors. They give a sneak peek into what your page is all about and why someone should click on it. So, make it count!

Start by crafting a compelling SEO title that includes relevant keywords related to your landing page. Keep your keywords concise, clear, and captivating.

After finding your keywords, write a compelling meta description that summarizes your page’s content and entices users to click through.

One of the beautiful things about Wix is that you can easily customize your meta description and SEO title right within the editor, making it super simple to optimize your landing page for search engines.

So, take a moment to cross-check, tweak if needed, and ensure your meta description and SEO title are working their magic to attract those clicks and boost your rankings. 

Hit that publish button

To turn your LinkedIn into a money-making machine, hit that publish button.

By now, you’ve put in the hard work and fine-tuned every detail, and now it’s time to hit that publish button on your Wix landing page. You’ve gotta unveil your masterpiece to the world. 

So, take a deep breath, double-check everything one last time, and when you’re ready, go ahead and hit that publish button with confidence.

Once your landing page is live, start promoting it like a pro! Share it on social media, send it to your email list, and watch as your audience engages with your brand-new landing page.

Remember, your landing page is a living, breathing entity that can evolve and grow over time. So, don’t be afraid to revisit and make updates as needed to keep it fresh and engaging.

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Crafting a landing page on Wix can be an incredible way to get traffic and pull sales. 

First off, understand what Wix landing page is all about and pick a template that suits your brand.

Provide a suitable name for your landing page and infuse it with your unique content. 

Include eye-catching visuals and choose an appropriate domain name to represent your brand effectively. 

Verify that all your links and CTAs are working properly and cross-check your meta description and SEO title. 

Once you’re sure everything is in order, hit that publish button and have fun. 

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