Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

(July 2024)

Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

In This Article


Are you ready to transform your online store into a customer conversion machine? Look no further than email marketing–the secret weapon for building relationships, boosting sales, and keeping your brand top-of-mind.

But with a sea of email marketing tools out there, choosing the right one for your WooCommerce store can feel overwhelming. Fear not! This guide dives deep into the top email marketing platforms that seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce, making it easier than ever to connect with your customers and watch your business thrive!

So, once again, ARE YOU READY? Great, delve right in!

Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

  1. MailChimp
  2. Constant Contact
  3. Brevo (formerly known as Sendinblue)
  4. Klaviyo
  5. MailPoet
  6. Drip
  7. GetResponse
  8. ActiveCampaign

Overview of Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

How to Choose Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

Pros & Cons of Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

What to Watch Out For

Pro Tips


1. MailChimp

Mailchimp for WooCommerce seamlessly integrates your store with Mailchimp’s marketing automation. This lets you sync customer data, trigger automation, personalize product recommendations, and track campaign performance – all for free!


  • Connects your WooCommerce store to Mailchimp effortlessly.
  • Offers powerful e-commerce features like abandoned cart recovery and personalized recommendations.
  • Provides detailed analytics to understand your marketing efforts.
  • Builds your subscriber list with signup forms and landing pages.
  • Gives you valuable customer insights through Mailchimp’s dashboard.


  • Limits compatibility to Business tier users only.
  • Separates data from older Mailchimp integrations, making it unusable with some e-commerce features.

Mailchimp empowers you to create impactful email marketing campaigns. Design and personalize emails with AI assistance, segment your audience for targeted messaging and leverage automations to boost sales and customer engagement. Analyze campaign performance with detailed reports and industry benchmarks. Mailchimp offers a free plan to get you started, with paid tiers unlocking advanced features like A/B testing and priority support. With over 22 years of experience and millions of users worldwide, Mailchimp can help you grow your business.

2. Constant Contact

Constant Contact streamlines your workflow by syncing contacts automatically, creating segments for targeted campaigns, and offering pre-built email templates. This lets you send targeted emails and boost sales without the hassle!


  • Syncs your WooCommerce contacts automatically.
  • Saves you time with pre-defined customer segments.
  • Automates email campaigns to nurture leads and recover abandoned carts.
  • Creates beautiful emails with a drag-and-drop editor.
  • Offers a free WooCommerce integration.


  • Limits compatibility to Business tier users.
  • Separates data from older Constant Contact integrations.

Constant Contact simplifies marketing for your small business. Design eye-catching emails with their tools, explore SMS marketing options, and manage your social media presence from one platform.

Even leverage marketing automation or build your online store to expand your reach. Founded in 1995 with award-winning support, Constant Contact offers a free trial to help you explore its features and see if it’s the right fit for your business.

3. Brevo (formerly known as Sendinblue)

Brevo goes beyond email marketing, offering you a powerful all-in-one marketing platform. Manage your customer relationships across various channels, nurture leads with automation, and gain valuable customer insights – all from a single platform! This streamlined approach saves you time and effort, letting you focus on growing your business.


  • Unifies customer communication
  • Boosts sales and conversions
  • Gains customer insights
  • Automates workflows
  • Provides scalable messaging


  • Involves pricing complexity
  • Includes a steep learning curve

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) offers a comprehensive marketing suite that streamlines your customer interactions. Create and automate email campaigns, manage your sales pipeline, offer exceptional customer service through chat and phone support, and gain valuable customer insights – all from a central hub.

Brevo integrates with over 150 digital tools, making it a versatile solution for businesses of all sizes. It even has a free plan to get you started!

4. Klaviyo

Klaviyo is an email marketing powerhouse specifically for eCommerce. It understands your needs, from abandoned cart recovery to hyper-personalized product recommendations.


  • Integrate seamlessly with your WooCommerce store.
  • Segment your audience for laser-focused email campaigns.
  • Track your ROI with powerful analytics.


  • Manage a feature-rich platform that may require a learning curve.
  • Scale your pricing as your list size grows.

Craft personalized customer experiences across email, SMS, push notifications, and more with Klaviyo’s marketing automation platform. Leverage AI-powered insights to design targeted campaigns, understand your audience with comprehensive customer profiles, and even utilize AI for content creation!

Reach your most valuable customers via SMS and engage your mobile app users with timely notifications. Klaviyo’s CDP unifies your data for powerful analytics and accurate attribution, while real-time segmentation ensures you reach the right customers with the right message. Klaviyo empowers businesses of all sizes to grow smarter and faster – explore their website to see if it’s the right fit for you!

5. MailPoet

MailPoet is a fantastic, free option for WooCommerce stores if you’re just starting out. It’s a great way to dip your toes into email marketing without breaking the bank.


  • Start for free with a feature-rich plan.
  • Navigate an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Integrate seamlessly with your WooCommerce store.


  • Access limited features on the free plan.
  • Automate fewer workflows due to limited capabilities.

MailPoet is a fantastic starting point. Design beautiful emails with its drag-and-drop builder and send targeted campaigns to your subscribers. As your store grows, you can easily upgrade to a paid plan for more advanced features like automation.

6. Drip

Drip is all about eCommerce CRM. It’s not just an email tool; it’s a customer relationship machine. With Drip, you’re nurturing leads, engaging customers, and driving loyalty all at once.


  • Offers comprehensive customer insights with eCommerce CRM features.
  • Provides easy automation setup with visual workflows.
  • Integrates with multiple platforms to create a cohesive ecosystem.


  • Presents a potential cost barrier for small businesses.
  • Poses a daunting complexity for some users.

MailPoet simplifies email marketing for WordPress users. Design beautiful newsletters, manage subscribers, and automate campaigns – all within your familiar WordPress dashboard. Easily add signup forms, segment your audience, and even leverage WooCommerce features like abandoned cart recovery.

MailPoet offers a free plan to get you started, with paid tiers unlocking advanced features like multi-condition segmentation and priority support. Trusted by over 700,000 websites, MailPoet empowers you to connect with your audience and grow your business. Visit their website to explore your options!

7. GetResponse

GetResponse made the list for its all-in-one marketing platform capabilities. From email marketing to landing pages and webinars, it has everything you need to grow your store.


  • Provides a comprehensive toolset for all your marketing needs.
  • Includes automation templates for quick campaign setup.
  • Offers affordable pricing for small to medium-sized businesses.


  • May lack depth in specific areas due to its jack-of-all-trades approach.
  • Involves a learning curve for utilizing the full suite of tools.

GetResponse simplifies email marketing for businesses of all sizes. Design signup forms, craft engaging newsletters, and leverage automation to nurture leads – all within an affordable platform. They boast a 99% deliverability rate and exceptional customer support to ensure your emails reach the right inbox. GetResponse even showcases success stories with impressive results in list growth, open rates, and sales.

Looking to monetize your expertise? Their upcoming content monetization platform empowers you to turn knowledge into revenue. Integrate GetResponse with your Woocommerce and explore its affordable plans to find the perfect fit for your marketing needs.

8. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is the go-to if you prioritize customer experience above all. With its advanced automation and messaging features, you can create a personalized journey for every customer.


  • Enables customer experience automation for personalized journeys.
  • Utilizes machine learning capabilities for optimizing send times.
  • Provides rich customer insights for targeted campaigns.


  • Involves complexity in mastering all the features.
  • May incur steep pricing as you scale up.

ActiveCampaign goes beyond email marketing, offering a powerful marketing automation platform. Craft personalized email experiences, engage customers across channels like SMS, and leverage machine learning for smarter marketing decisions.

Capture leads, nurture them with targeted campaigns, and convert them into loyal customers with sales automation tools and a built-in CRM. Trusted by over 150,000 businesses with a proven track record of success, ActiveCampaign offers a free 14-day trial. Explore their website to see if it’s the right fit for your marketing automation needs!.

Overview of Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

Overview of Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

While WooCommerce offers basic built-in email functionality for transactional messages, to truly connect with your customers and boost sales, you need more. Consider popular and user-friendly options like Mailchimp or Constant Contact, or consider Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) for its all-in-one approach with SMS and customer data features.

Klaviyo empowers e-commerce with segmentation and automation, while MailPoet offers a seamless WordPress integration. Drip cultivates relationships through targeted campaigns, and GetResponse provides an affordable solution for list growth and automation. For a comprehensive suite with CRM, explore ActiveCampaign. Dive deeper to find your perfect fit and watch your WooCommerce store flourish!

How to Choose Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store

To choose the Perfect Email Marketing Tool for Your WooCommerce Store:

  • Evaluate Your Needs: Consider your business size, budget, and specific requirements. Are you looking for basic transactional emails or advanced marketing automation?
  • Consider WooCommerce Integration: Ensure seamless integration with your WooCommerce store. Look for plugins or services that offer easy setup and data synchronization.
  • Assess Pricing and Scalability: Compare pricing plans based on your budget and choose a tool that scales with your growing business.
  • Review Ease of Use: Prioritize a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop email builders for effortless campaign creation.

Pros & Cons of Email Marketing Software For Woocommerce Store


  • Increases Engagement: Targets emails to achieve higher engagement rates.
  • Automates Workflows: Saves time by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Personalizes Communication: Strengthens customer relationships.
  • Analyzes Performance: Tracks and optimizes campaign effectiveness.
  • Targets Audience: Connects with the right audience through email segmentation.
  • Boosts Sales: Nurtures leads, recovers abandoned carts, and promotes special offers to drive sales.
  • Builds Brand: Maintains top-of-mind presence with engaging newsletters and fosters lasting customer relationships.
  • Measures Results: Tracks email performance with analytics to assess effectiveness.


  • Incurs Costs: Some tools can be expensive, especially for larger lists.
  • Involves Learning: Advanced features may require dedicated learning.
  • Ensures Deliverability: Guarantees emails land in recipients’ inboxes and avoid spam folders.
  • Requires Effort: Building an email list and crafting successful campaigns demands time and dedication.
  • Faces Inbox Competition: Cutting through inbox clutter presents a challenge.
  • Addresses Compliance: Ensures compliance with anti-spam regulations to avoid spam folder placement.

What to Watch Out For

What to Watch Out For
  • Spam Compliance: You should follow email regulations such as GDPR and the CAN-SPAM Act. Make sure to obtain consent before sending any marketing emails.
  • List Hygiene: You must regularly clean your email list to remove inactive or invalid addresses.
  • Building Incentives: Offering discounts or freebies to entice signups can impact your bottom line, so you need to carefully weigh the costs and benefits.
  • Design Resources: Creating professional-looking emails might require additional design services or templates. You should budget accordingly for these resources.
  • Advanced Features: Upgrading to unlock advanced automation or higher email-sending limits can add up over time. Make sure to assess whether the added benefits justify the cost for your business.

Pro Tips

  1. Experiment with subject lines, content, and send times.
  2. Divide your audience for targeted campaigns.
  3. Ensure emails look great on mobile devices.
  4. Incentivize signups with valuable content, exclusive discounts, or early access to new products.
  5. Tailor your emails to specific customer interests and purchase behavior for better engagement.
  6. Use subscribers’ names and purchase history to create a more personal connection.
  7. Ensure your emails display perfectly on all devices for optimal reach.
  8. Monitor your email performance and adapt your strategies based on data insights.


In your journey to enhance your WooCommerce store through email marketing, you’ve been introduced to a plethora of powerful tools to boost engagement, sales, and brand presence. From Mailchimp’s seamless integration with WooCommerce to Brevo’s all-in-one marketing platform, each option offers unique features to cater to your specific needs.

Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced automation, or comprehensive customer insights, there’s a solution tailored to help you succeed. Remember to evaluate your requirements, consider integration with WooCommerce, assess pricing and scalability, and prioritize ease of use when selecting the perfect email marketing software for your store.

With careful consideration and implementation of best practices such as spam compliance, list hygiene, and personalized communication, you can leverage email marketing to propel your WooCommerce store to new heights of success.

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