Dropshipping How To Find Winning Products

(July 2024)


In This Article

Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products online without having to handle inventory, shipping, or fulfillment, all you need to do is find a supplier who can ship the products directly to your customers, and you earn a profit from the difference between the selling price and the supplier’s price.

But how do you find winning products to sell? Winning products are products that have high demand, low competition, and good profit margins. These products solve a problem, fulfill a need, or satisfy a desire for your target audience.

Imagine you have a shop where you sell different kinds of things, like clothes, shoes, books, etc. But instead of buying these things from a wholesaler and storing them in your shop, you just display pictures of them on your website. When your customer orders something from your website, you don’t have to pack it and send it yourself; you just contact another seller who has the actual product and ask them to deliver it to your customer.

You pay them a lower price than what you charged your customer, and you keep the difference as your profit. This way, you don’t have to worry about having enough space, money, or time to manage your inventory, shipping, or fulfillment, only to just focus on finding and selling products that people want to buy.

Now, how do you know what products people want to buy? How do you find products that can make you more money and have less competition from other sellers? Winning products are products that have some special qualities that make them stand out from the rest; it’s the products that help people solve their problems, like a gadget that makes their lives easier, or a product that fulfills the needs of your customers, like a tool that improves their skills, or a product that satisfies a desire.

And of course, winning products have good profit margins, meaning that you can sell these products for much more than what you pay for them. Now you see that finding winning products is the key to success in dropshipping.

1. Make Use of Dropship.io to Spy on Shopify Stores
2. Consider Popular E-commerce Platforms
3. Follow Social Media and Influencers
4. Use Google Trends and Keyword Planner
5. Attend Trade Shows and Exhibitions
6. Engage in Surveys and Polls
7. Evaluate and Confirm Your Products

1. Make Use of Dropship.IO to Spy on Shopify Stores

Dropship.io is a tool that spies on data from Shopify stores. It allows you to see what products and niches are trending, how much revenue these products generate, and what marketing strategies are being used. Use Dropship.io to find winning products by searching for keywords, filtering by categories, sorting by metrics, and analyzing product details.

You can also see product reviews, ratings, and customer feedback to gauge product quality and customer satisfaction. Dropship.io is one of the best ways to find winning products that are proven to sell on Shopify. 

2. Consider Popular E-commerce Platforms

Another way to find winning products is to browse popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Wish. These platforms have millions of products and customers, and it can give you insights into what products are selling well, what customers are looking for, and what gaps exist in the market. You can use various tools and features on these platforms to find winning products, such as:

  • Best Seller Lists: These lists show you the top-selling products in different categories and niches. Use them to find hot products that have high demand and sales volume.
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Make use of this to find products that have high customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as to identify potential problems and improvements.
  • Trending and New Arrivals: Find products that have low competition and high potential.
  • Related Products and Frequently Bought Together: Use this to find products that have high cross-selling and upselling opportunities, as well as to discover new product ideas and niches.

3. Follow Social Media and Influencers

Social media and influencers are powerful sources of inspiration and information for finding winning products. Follow platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest to see what products and niches are trending, what content and ads are engaging, and what audiences and communities are interested in.

You can also follow influencers who are relevant to your niche and target market and see what products they promote, recommend, or use. Make use of these platforms and influencers to find winning products by:

  • Searching for hashtags, keywords, and topics related to your niche and products
  • Monitoring the engagement, comments, and feedback of the posts and videos
  • Checking the links, tags, and mentions of the products and brands
  • Exploring the related accounts, pages, groups, and boards
  • Subscribing to newsletters, podcasts, blogs, and magazines

4. Use Google Trends and Keyword Planner

Google Trends and Keyword Planner are useful tools to find winning products. Google Trends allows you to see how the interest and popularity of a product or niche change over time and across regions. You can use Google Trends to find winning products by:

  • Comparing different products and niches to see which ones are more popular and growing
  • Filtering by country, time range, category, and search type to see the variations and patterns
  • Exploring the related queries, topics, and stories to see the sub-niches and keywords

Google Keyword Planner also allows you to see how many people are searching for a product or niche and how competitive and profitable it is, and you can use this to find winning products by:

  • Entering the product or niche name and seeing the monthly search volume, competition level, and suggested bid
  • Filtering by location, language, and date range to see the differences and opportunities
  • Exploring the keyword ideas and ad group ideas to see the variations and combinations

5. Attend Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Trade shows and exhibitions are events where manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers showcase their latest products and innovations. Yes! This is a great way to find winning products that are new, unique, and high-quality. To attend trade shows and exhibitions to find winning products:

  • Visiting the booths and stalls of the exhibitors and seeing their products in person
  • Asking questions and getting information about the products, such as the features, benefits, prices, and availability
  • Collecting samples, catalogs, and business cards of the products and suppliers
  • Networking and building relationships with the exhibitors and other attendees
  • Following up and contacting the exhibitors and suppliers after the event

6. Engage in Surveys and Polls

Utilize surveys and polls to gather insights and opinions from your current or potential customers. This effective method helps identify successful products aligned with customer needs, desires, and preferences. Discover winning products by:

  • Utilizing tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform to create and distribute surveys and polls
  • Asking clear, specific questions about your desired products and niches
  • Providing incentives such as discounts, coupons, or freebies for survey and poll completion
  • Analyzing survey and poll results, including responses, ratings, and comments
  • Identifying market trends, common themes, and gaps through thorough analysis.

7. Evaluate and Confirm Your Products

The ultimate and most crucial way to discover successful products is to evaluate and confirm your products before launching them. This process helps you avoid wasting time, money, and effort on unprofitable or unviable products. You can evaluate and confirm your products by:

  • Launching a landing page or pre-launch campaign to gauge sign-ups, pre-orders, or general interest
  • Running ads or social media posts to measure clicks, visits, or purchase
  • Distributing samples or prototypes to customers and assessing their usage, reviews, and ratings
  • Establishing and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rate, retention rate, customer lifetime value, and return on ad spend.


In conclusion, you can benefit from dropshipping, a business model that frees you from stocking or shipping hassles. To choose the right products, you need to use various methods, such as market trend research, data analysis from platforms like Shopify and Amazon, social media exploration, and product reviews and ratings. Also, make use of tools like Dropship.IO, Oberlo, and AliExpress to make your process easier. 


Importantly, ensure you test and validate your products to ensure your products are high-quality, profitable, and scalable. The features of a winning product include uniqueness, innovation, or problem-solving abilities; high perceived value with low actual cost; lightweight and durable characteristics; wide or niche appeal; and adherence to advertising policies. 

By following these methods and features, you can find dropshipping products that match your online store and bring you significant sales and profits. This strategy reduces risks, increases efficiency, and sets your dropshipping business up for lasting success in the ever-changing e-commerce world.

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